All brides want everything about their day, from food, music, etc., to be perfect.
Although this can be a bit challenging, it’s possible.
Wedding tastings can ensure that the food portion is correct.
But who do you bring along to this event? Keep reading to learn more.
So, Should Parents Go to Wedding Food Tastings?
It is usually advisable to go with your partner, wedding planner, and two other people to a wedding food tasting. If you are comfortable having parents at this event, there is no harm in bringing them along.
Remember you need someone to give you an honest opinion about the food and drinks offered to help you decide on your wedding’s menu. And if this someone is your parent, go for it. You can tag your mom and your partner’s mom or dad or mom from one side and dad or mom from the other side.
Note that if parents are paying for the wedding, it is wise to invite them to your food tasting.
Bear in mind that contributing towards the wedding, whether partially or fully, gives someone some control of the wedding, even though it is your big day.
So, you can invite them over.
When Should You Book Your Wedding Tasting?
Most times, you have to book the caterer first to be offered a tasting.
However, some caterers may offer catering before you commit to them, but at a fee.
If you pay for food tasting and book the caterer, they will probably deduct the money from the total amount later.
Some will allow you to do the tasting immediately after you book them.
But others would request you wait for a while to allow them to stock seasonal ingredients.
But everything depends on your timeline. If waiting will not work for you, your caterer may give you a sample menu.
But note that the ingredients may change later on.
FOUR Ways To Prepare for Your Wedding Food Tasting
1. Don’t Overeat Before Arriving
You will be offered various mini-courses during your food tasting.
But remember that you don’t have to finish everything on your plate. Note that you are there to taste.
At the same time, avoid going to this event when your stomach is empty.
Everything tastes good when you are hungry. Therefore, this may lead you to making the wrong choices.
2. Decide On Your Budget Beforehand
The caterer will offer you a variety of foods that taste great.
So, serving all of them at your wedding may be tempting. However, this may not be possible.
That’s why you should consider your budget when tasting.
Otherwise, you can easily overspend on this part of the wedding planning.
3. Inform The Caterer About Guests With Allergies And Diet Restrictions
You may love the lamb chops offered but what about your vegan guest?
What will they eat? Knowing their dietary limitations will help you pick a menu that works for you and them.
If you have people allergic to gluten, ensure your caterer knows this and plans to include some gluten-free options on the menu.
4. Determine The Foods In Season
It is always best to pick the foods in season for fresh and better taste.
For instance, strawberry spinach is suitable for a July wedding, not a February one.
Therefore, serving this may disappoint you, or your caterer will charge more to cover the extra effort they used to get out-of-season foods.
What to Do During the Tasting
Besides sampling the food given, there are other things that can help you make the right choice. These are:
1. Take Pictures And Notes
You don’t have to post all the food you taste on social media.
However, taking pictures of these meals and writing down notes on how you found them will help you make the right choices.
You will later refer to your pictures and notes when deciding.
2. Ask Questions
Sure, it may be uncomfortable, but remember, the goal is to have the best food on your special day.
There will be no point in tasting if you cannot ask for clarification or changes.
3. Be Honest But Polite
You don’t have to like every food you taste.
If you aren’t a fan of the meal you’ve been offered, it’s okay to give your opinion.
However, remember that the caterer put lots of work and time into preparing the meal.
So, please don’t be rude about it.
After all, you don’t want to hire someone you insulted since they may not offer the best services.
4. Don’t Sample Everything On The Menu
Even though you find everything delicious, do not ask to taste every meal the caterer offers.
Not only will you get too full, but remembering the foods you like and dislike will be hard, leaving you confused.
Choose a menu you like and sample a few options in the categories offered.
Three Alternatives to Wedding Food Tastings
1. Venue Tastings
Some venues provide an in-house catering experience which can be a great tasting opportunity for you.
Take advantage of such to help you make big decisions regarding your wedding menu.
2. Multiple Catering Tastings
Here, you call different caterers and schedule a food tasting with them.
But this can be a bit more expensive.
Remember, the caterers are taking their time to make food that your taste buds will love.
So, it is fair that you compensate them for their effort.
3. Take-out Tasting
You can also create your own tasting with your partner.
Here, you buy take-out food from different restaurants and sample them at home.
But, ensure you map the restaurants that you want and try them. When sampling the foods, remember to note what you like so you can re-order again.
Parents can go to wedding tastings if they want and the couple is comfortable with it.
Remember that you should tag along two people aside from your wedding planner to this event.
So, if you’re okay with parents going, that is okay.