A wedding is one of the times that proves to us how important friends and family are. Many people cannot imagine getting married without them.
But when it comes to choosing your girl squad, where do you draw the line?
Keep reading to find out how many bridesmaids is normal.
So, How Many Bridesmaids Can You Have?
There isn’t a set number when it comes to deciding the number of bridesmaids you can have. However, some guidelines can help you choose wisely. For instance, you can decide based on how many guests you have invited. If planning a formal wedding with 200+ guests, you could have more bridesmaids than someone planning a small intimate wedding with less than 100 guests.
Besides the guest number, the size of your venue and the number of friends and family you have influences how many maids you can have. However, most brides choose between 4-6 bridesmaids.
See Also: What Are The Roles Of The Wedding Party?
What Do Bridesmaids Do?
Knowing bridesmaids’ roles can help you decide the number of people you need.
Here are some of the responsibilities bridesmaids do before and during the wedding:
- Attending all pre-wedding events like engagements, bridal showers, bachelorette parties, and rehearsal dinners.
- Support the bride emotionally throughout the planning and on the wedding day.
- Buying maids’ dresses and accessories as per what the bride has chosen.
- Actively participating in the ceremony by standing at the altar next to the bride or sharing a reading.
- Giving a speech at the reception, but this depends on a bridesmaid’s relationship with the bride.
What Does the Tradition Say?
According to the wedding tradition, you should pick the bridesmaids as per the number of guests you’ve invited and the formality of your event.
If your party is formal, with, say, 200 people, you can have up to 12 attendants and a ring bearer, and a flower girl.
But, if your wedding is small, intimate, and less formal, you can cut down that number to 6 or even less.
But remember that this is just a general rule of thumb. In fact, many brides do not follow this rule and decide to have as many or as few bridesmaids as they want.
Note that the number of bridesmaids you want at your wedding is entirely up to you, regardless of the formality of your ceremony or the number of guests.
However, you should think about how many people will stand with you at the altar and how everyone will fit at the front.
For instance, if you only have 30 people attending your wedding, asking 15 people to be your bridesmaids and stand at the altar may seem off balance.
How Many Bridesmaids is Too Many?
It is not advisable to have too many bridesmaids as that can be a source of unnecessary stress.
Remember, these are the people that should support you and help your wedding to go smoothly. So, you don’t need any conflict or drama during this time.
If you feel like you’ve settled on a high number, it doesn’t hurt to narrow it down. We advise that you choose the people closest to you. So, instead of cousins, choose close friends or sisters.
Generally, pick someone who would help with each part of your wedding planning.
There is nothing wrong with being practical when deciding the friends that will be at your bridal party.
Your friends will understand, and those who’ll have a hard time will get over it.
Some disadvantages of having too many bridesmaids include:
1. It Can Be Expensive
Although the bridesmaid is expected to cater to their dresses and accommodation, there are other expenses that you will have to pay.
For instance, if you want them to have a certain look, you will have to take care of the hair, makeup, and accessories.
So, think about this before settling on 12 bridesmaids. Remember that you will pay approximately $50 to $100 per person.
2. Things Can Get Stressful With Many People
Obviously, your bridesmaids want the best for you. However, too many ideas and opinions can be overwhelming.
Plus, you may not have the capacity to question how a bridesmaid is misbehaving even if you don’t like it, as you don’t want to damage your friendship.
3. It Opens Room For Drama
More bridesmaids means more people with different body types, personalities, and voices. As such, it can be difficult to find a bridesmaid that fits all their styles can be challenging.
Plus, while you may agree with all crew members, some may not see eye to eye, which can open a door for drama and conflict.
4. It Can Be Difficult To Keep Track Of Everyone
Containing a large crowd is not easy. Imagine it’s time to take a group picture, and suddenly two of your bridesmaids are not there.
If you want many maids, design a roll call system to help track everyone’s whereabouts.
Do You Need the Same Number of Bridesmaids and Groomsmen?
No. Many couples tend to pick an even number of bridesmaids and groomsmen to balance the pictures.
But as it turns out, the photos will still look good even without the same number of these participants.
While there is nothing wrong in wanting a cohesive look at your wedding, being hell-bent on an equal number can lead to selecting or leaving out people that you would not have otherwise.
Don’t fixate your mind on the idea that you need the same number of attendants. This way, you can choose the right people to support you on your big day.
If you are concerned about unbalanced photos, you don’t have to worry. Your photographer can coordinate uneven numbers, so you won’t even notice any issues.
Must You Have Bridesmaids?
No, As we have said, you can have as many or as few bridesmaids as you want. But you can also decide not to have bridesmaids at all.
Many couples nowadays opt to do their wedding without a wedding party for various reasons.
One is that this way, you won’t hurt anyone’s feelings or leave anyone out, and you can also keep things simple.
Therefore, if the thought of having bridesmaids stresses you, or you don’t feel like it, don’t worry. You can still have your wedding with zero bridesmaids.
But it is worth noting that if you’ve decided to go bridesmaid free, ensure you have people on standby to help you.
Final Thoughts
There isn’t a hard rule you must follow when deciding how many bridesmaids to have.
What matters is that you choose the number you are comfortable with. Whether that is 2 or 12, no one will condemn you.